Defer sludge disposal costs with Geotube® containment
eotube containers, part of the Bishop Solids Management Solution, provide a solution, offering not only a simple way to collect and dewater sludge, but also to store it for an extended period.
In 30 mins we’ll show you how much ClariPhos® coagulant can save for your WWTP
Lower dose rate, reduced sludge volume, better clarifier performance, improved phosphorus removal—these are just a few of the cost-saving benefits that ClariPhos® rare earth coagulant can bring to a wastewater treatment plant.
The cold reality of nitrification. Why aerating a lagoon may not improve winter ammonia removal
Installing or increasing aeration in a wastewater lagoon is a common strategy to improve nitrification and ammonia removal.
BioCord® Reactor installation underway in Gift Lake Metis Settlement
BioCord® Reactors are being installed in Northern Alberta, marking a significant milestone in a project to improve cold-weather performance for the lagoon system serving the Gift Lake Metis Settlement.
Quietly effective: Dewatering stormwater pond sediments with geotextiles and gravity
For those entrusted with the care and maintenance of stormwater management ponds, removing accumulated sediments is no small matter.
Unlocking hidden savings: What to consider when comparing the cost of chemical phosphorus removal
When choosing coagulants for phosphorus removal, it’s common to prioritize the cost of the chemical as a key factor in the decision-making process.
Mastering desludging projects: A proactive approach
Removing accumulated sludge from a lagoon system is a fast, cost-effective way to restore treatment capacity and performance. But, a successful lagoon desludging project requires thoughtful planning and careful execution to sidestep potential pitfalls that could escalate costs and slow down production.
Future proofing your lagoon with BioCord Reactors
You’ve probably heard of future proofing for things like communication networks, buildings, and energy infrastructure, but what about wastewater treatment lagoons?
If you want to work for Bishop Water, our CEO says you need some attitude
When it comes to building a successful clean-tech company, technical skills are typically thought to be the most desirable trait for new hires. However, according to Kevin Bossy, CEO of Bishop Water, while technical skills are important, it’s heart and desire that help find new innovations and really engage with customers.
Geotube® vs. belt press. Which one wins for sludge dewatering?
Gravity or pressure—which is more efficient when dewatering wastewater sludge? Both are proven methods to remove water from slurry and produce a cake that can be handled for disposal or land application.