Sinking in sludge: How to identify excessive sludge accumulation
Bishop Water is partnering with Western University in a new project with BioCord Reactors that aims to further optimize wastewater treatment efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Defer sludge disposal costs with Geotube® containment
eotube containers, part of the Bishop Solids Management Solution, provide a solution, offering not only a simple way to collect and dewater sludge, but also to store it for an extended period.
Quietly effective: Dewatering stormwater pond sediments with geotextiles and gravity
For those entrusted with the care and maintenance of stormwater management ponds, removing accumulated sediments is no small matter.
Mastering desludging projects: A proactive approach
Removing accumulated sludge from a lagoon system is a fast, cost-effective way to restore treatment capacity and performance. But, a successful lagoon desludging project requires thoughtful planning and careful execution to sidestep potential pitfalls that could escalate costs and slow down production.
Geotube® vs. belt press. Which one wins for sludge dewatering?
Gravity or pressure—which is more efficient when dewatering wastewater sludge? Both are proven methods to remove water from slurry and produce a cake that can be handled for disposal or land application.
What’s that smell? Diagnosing springtime lagoon odours.
non-aerated lagoons, can experience benthal feedback—a process where the turbulence of the warming water stirs up the sludge blanket and releases hydrogen sulfide gas along with nutrients that have accumulated in the settled sludge.
What to do when your lagoon’s effluent TSS is higher than the influent TSS
ARTICLE What to do when your lagoon’s effluent TSS is higher than the influent TSS What’s happening in a wastewater lagoon when the TSS of the effluent is higher than the TSS of the influent? And more importantly, how does an operator fix it? Excess sludge accumulation is often the cause of high effluent TSS […]
Bishop Water joins Chedoke Creek cleanup
ARTICLE Bishop Water joins Chedoke Creek cleanup Bishop Water will be joining a team of environmental remediation specialists, that includes Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc. and ECO Technologies Ltd., to complete the targeted dredging of Chedoke Creek in Hamilton, Ontario. The project, scheduled to start late this summer, aims to remove over 10,000 cubic metres of […]
Crafting a simple, affordable system to treat brewery wastewater and avoid sewer surcharges
TECHNICAL PAPER Sewer surcharges can significantly impact the bottom line for breweries and other food and beverage processors. Adding an onsite wastewater treatment plant is one way to reduce sewer surcharges, but many options are costly, complex, and require a significant amount of space, which can make it tough to decide whether to install a […]
The advantages of low-energy, high-performance Geotube dewatering for biosolids management
Spinning, squeezing, solar drying, there are many ways to dewater sludge from treatment plants and produce stabilized biosolids that are ready for land application or disposal. Selecting the best approach often considers several factors, including the speed at which dewatering must be completed, the space that’s available at the treatment plant to accommodate the process, and capital and operating costs.