The journey to select, design and install a BioCord condominium for bacteria in a far north lagoon
Every wastewater plant can experience washout—a condition where high hydraulic loading causes microorganisms to be flushed out of a treatment cell at a faster rate than they can be replenished.
Webinar – BioCord Basics
See how easy-to-use, low-energy BioCord technology is able to dramatically improve year-round nutrient and organic removals without the hefty capital and operating costs of more complex systems.
Is your lagoon suffering from washout?
Every wastewater plant can experience washout—a condition where high hydraulic loading causes microorganisms to be flushed out of a treatment cell at a faster rate than they can be replenished.
BioCord Reactors set to provide enhanced ammonia removal for Limoges WWTF
Bishop BioCord® Reactors are in place at the lagoons of the Limoges WWTF as part of a $10-million project, designed and managed by R.V Anderson Associates Limited, to upgrade the plant’s capacity and performance.
Legumier Du Madawaska BioCord® upgrade
The Legumier du Madawaska is a vegetable processing facility located near Riviere-Verte, New Brunswick.
Innovative, low-energy treatment to remove contaminants from process wastewater and ML/ARD
Case studies as presented at the 2022 Tailings and Mine Waste Conference.
Robust cold-weather performance and lower cost make BioCord® ideal choice for lagoon upgrade in Northern Alberta
Bishop BioCord® Reactors have been chosen for a unique demonstration project to improve cold-weather biological treatment and effluent quality of the wastewater lagoons serving the Gift Lake Metis Settlement in Northern Alberta.
Crafting a simple, affordable system to treat brewery wastewater and avoid sewer surcharges
TECHNICAL PAPER Sewer surcharges can significantly impact the bottom line for breweries and other food and beverage processors. Adding an onsite wastewater treatment plant is one way to reduce sewer surcharges, but many options are costly, complex, and require a significant amount of space, which can make it tough to decide whether to install a […]
BioCord® pilot system demonstrates MDMER ammonia compliance for Canadian gold mine
Low-energy, fixed-film BioCord system could improve ammonia removal for the onsite wastewater lagoon system and help the mine maintain compliance with the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulation (MDMER).
BioCord Reactors achieve 99% ammonia removal using far less energy than MBBR
R&D efforts for BioCord® Reactors focus significantly on optimizing its fine-bubble aeration system and low-energy compressors to provide the best possible oxygen transfer and ammonia removal rates, while using less energy than MBBR.