VEPAS Maintenance: Our simple polymer system takes minutes—not hours—to clean
VEPAS eliminates many of the components in mechanical polymer systems that take so much time to clean, like mixers and aging tanks.
Lagoon sludge cleanouts with the Bishop Solids Management Solution
Removing accumulated sludge from a lagoon system is a fast, cost-effective way to restore treatment capacity and performance.
Webinar – Lagoon Sludge Cleanouts: Learn how to manage costs and avoid mishaps
Removing accumulated sludge from a lagoon system is a fast, cost-effective way to restore treatment capacity and performance. But before the dredges, diggers and pumps can begin their work, project teams must carefully evaluate, estimate and plan to ensure the project proceeds smoothly and is completed on time and on budget.
Geotube® dewatering units 4000 feet underground at northern mining operation
Case study on the effectiveness of the Geotube® technology for dewatering the waste stream at a northern ontario mining opteration.
Township of North Glengarry chooses Geotube® technology for lagoon clean-out
The township of North Glengarry operates a four-lagoon cell system in the Village of Alexandria, Ontario for the management of sewage sludge. Many municipalities utilize lagoon systems across Ontario to manage sewage, however lagoons require maintenance and periodic sludge removal in order to operate effectively and efficiently on an ongoing basis.
City of Vaughan – Geotube® technology For storm pond cleaning
The City of Vaughan required sediment removal of three separate storm water management ponds. The city wanted to have a minimal impact on the surrounded communities and watercourses.
What’s that smell? Diagnosing springtime lagoon odours.
non-aerated lagoons, can experience benthal feedback—a process where the turbulence of the warming water stirs up the sludge blanket and releases hydrogen sulfide gas along with nutrients that have accumulated in the settled sludge.
What to do when your lagoon’s effluent TSS is higher than the influent TSS
ARTICLE What to do when your lagoon’s effluent TSS is higher than the influent TSS What’s happening in a wastewater lagoon when the TSS of the effluent is higher than the TSS of the influent? And more importantly, how does an operator fix it? Excess sludge accumulation is often the cause of high effluent TSS […]
Bishop Water joins Chedoke Creek cleanup
ARTICLE Bishop Water joins Chedoke Creek cleanup Bishop Water will be joining a team of environmental remediation specialists, that includes Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc. and ECO Technologies Ltd., to complete the targeted dredging of Chedoke Creek in Hamilton, Ontario. The project, scheduled to start late this summer, aims to remove over 10,000 cubic metres of […]
Crafting a simple, affordable system to treat brewery wastewater and avoid sewer surcharges
TECHNICAL PAPER Sewer surcharges can significantly impact the bottom line for breweries and other food and beverage processors. Adding an onsite wastewater treatment plant is one way to reduce sewer surcharges, but many options are costly, complex, and require a significant amount of space, which can make it tough to decide whether to install a […]