Future proofing your lagoon with BioCord Reactors
You’ve probably heard of future proofing for things like communication networks, buildings, and energy infrastructure, but what about wastewater treatment lagoons?
If you want to work for Bishop Water, our CEO says you need some attitude
When it comes to building a successful clean-tech company, technical skills are typically thought to be the most desirable trait for new hires. However, according to Kevin Bossy, CEO of Bishop Water, while technical skills are important, it’s heart and desire that help find new innovations and really engage with customers.
Geotube® vs. belt press. Which one wins for sludge dewatering?
Gravity or pressure—which is more efficient when dewatering wastewater sludge? Both are proven methods to remove water from slurry and produce a cake that can be handled for disposal or land application.
VEPAS Maintenance: Our simple polymer system takes minutes—not hours—to clean
VEPAS eliminates many of the components in mechanical polymer systems that take so much time to clean, like mixers and aging tanks.
Lagoon sludge cleanouts with the Bishop Solids Management Solution
Removing accumulated sludge from a lagoon system is a fast, cost-effective way to restore treatment capacity and performance.
Bishop BioCord Reactors – Simple, low-energy nutrient removal.
BioCord® Reactors provide a simple, low-energy, fixed-film biological treatment process to dramatically increase the performance of wastewater lagoons and conventional activated sludge systems for ammonia, BOD and TSS removal.
ClariPhos® beats alum and ferric for phosphorus removal
ClariPhos® rare earth coagulant is a game-changing technology that dramatically outperforms alum- and ferric-based coagulants for phosphorus removal.
The journey to select, design and install a BioCord condominium for bacteria in a far north lagoon
Every wastewater plant can experience washout—a condition where high hydraulic loading causes microorganisms to be flushed out of a treatment cell at a faster rate than they can be replenished.
Webinar – Lagoon Sludge Cleanouts: Learn how to manage costs and avoid mishaps
Removing accumulated sludge from a lagoon system is a fast, cost-effective way to restore treatment capacity and performance. But before the dredges, diggers and pumps can begin their work, project teams must carefully evaluate, estimate and plan to ensure the project proceeds smoothly and is completed on time and on budget.
Webinar – Geotube® Geotextile Systems for Reliable, Resilient Shoreline Protection
Rising water levels, higher waves and more frequent and intense storms are increasingly impacting shorelines along coastal areas and inland waterways. Many of these areas are experiencing serious erosion and loss of land that is threatening property, infrastructure and natural environments.