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A shoreline protected from erosion with Geotube


Geotube® is effective for shoreline erosion protection

Excavation contractors use Geotube containment technology to repair erosion, keep homes from destruction.

There are thousands of coastal homes threatened by natural disasters and erosion. The recent strong hurricane seasons have eroded away many beaches, and shoreline homes that once had views of long stretches of sand now find they overlook drop-offs that are perilously close to their back doors.

Many homes are, in fact, lost each year to beach erosion. But there is a simple, cost-effective solution for repairing and protecting beaches, one that has been proven by over 20 years of use in applications around the world.

TenCate develops and produces materials that function to increase performance, reduce cost and deliver measurable results by working with our customers to provide advanced erosion protection solutions.

Geotube geocontainment technology has been used in scores of countries to rebuild beaches, protect property, create jetties, and even build entire islands. The process is simple: a large tube made of a specially engineered textile is filled with sand and buried under the beach. When rough weather threatens, the tube holds the sand and soil in place, preventing erosion and property damage.

Shoreline protection webinar

Geotube® geotextile systems for reliable, resilient shoreline protection.

Once installed, Geotube® Shoreline Systems can provide significant advantages over conventional approaches

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