Township of North Glengarry chooses Geotube® technology for lagoon clean-out

The township of North Glengarry operates a four-lagoon cell system in the Village of Alexandria, Ontario for the management of sewage sludge. Many municipalities utilize lagoon systems across Ontario to manage sewage, however lagoons require maintenance and periodic sludge removal in order to operate effectively and efficiently on an ongoing basis.

What’s that smell? Diagnosing springtime lagoon odours.

non-aerated lagoons, can experience benthal feedback—a process where the turbulence of the warming water stirs up the sludge blanket and releases hydrogen sulfide gas along with nutrients that have accumulated in the settled sludge.

AWWA Fuller Award presented to Don Burgess

ARTICLE AWWA Fuller Award presented to Don Burgess, our rep in Western Canada. We are extremely delighted and proud to congratulate our colleague, Don Burgess of DWG Process Supply, on receiving the 2022 George Warren Fuller Award from the American Water Works Association Western Canada Section (AWWA WCS). The award is presented annually to a […]

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