What’s that smell? Diagnosing springtime lagoon odours.

non-aerated lagoons, can experience benthal feedback—a process where the turbulence of the warming water stirs up the sludge blanket and releases hydrogen sulfide gas along with nutrients that have accumulated in the settled sludge.

AWWA Fuller Award presented to Don Burgess

ARTICLE AWWA Fuller Award presented to Don Burgess, our rep in Western Canada. We are extremely delighted and proud to congratulate our colleague, Don Burgess of DWG Process Supply, on receiving the 2022 George Warren Fuller Award from the American Water Works Association Western Canada Section (AWWA WCS). The award is presented annually to a […]

What to do when your lagoon’s effluent TSS is higher than the influent TSS

ARTICLE What to do when your lagoon’s effluent TSS is higher than the influent TSS What’s happening in a wastewater lagoon when the TSS of the effluent is higher than the TSS of the influent? And more importantly, how does an operator fix it? Excess sludge accumulation is often the cause of high effluent TSS […]

Bishop Water joins Chedoke Creek cleanup

ARTICLE Bishop Water joins Chedoke Creek cleanup Bishop Water will be joining a team of environmental remediation specialists, that includes Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc. and ECO Technologies Ltd., to complete the targeted dredging of Chedoke Creek in Hamilton, Ontario. The project, scheduled to start late this summer, aims to remove over 10,000 cubic metres of […]

How to remove more phosphorus with less coagulant

Banner for ClariPhos Rare Earth Coagulant

ARTICLE How to remove more phosphorus with less coagulant How can a wastewater treatment plant improve phosphorus removal while reducing the amount of coagulant it’s using? The answer: switch to a coagulant that forms a strong, preferential bond with phosphorus. Here’s why that works. Conventional aluminum- or iron-based coagulants don’t form a strong bond with […]

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