Easily upgrade your industrial wastewater lagoon to achieve high-strength ammonia removal
Simple, fixed-film treatment system can give a significant boost to the microbial population in a lagoon to improve high strength ammonia removal.
BioCord® pilot system proves mettle for cold-weather ammonia removal
For wastewater lagoons at a petrochemical plant in Western Canada, BioCord’s simple, low-energy process achieves high ammonia and BOD removal.
Quality and quantity: How a BioCord frame delivers strength and value
Each metre of once-wispy BioCord can weigh as much as four kilograms when it’s fully populated with aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.
It’s curtains for BioCord!
Another install option for BioCord is the curtain design that enables BioCord to be installed in concrete or steel process tanks to enhance a conventional activated sludge process.
How to eliminate sewer surcharges with a simple, low-energy system
Pre-treatment of high-strength wastewater before discharging it to a municipal sewer can be challenging, especially if high levels of BOD, TSS and ammonia are present.
FCM funding can help with pilot testing of BioCord® Reactors and ClariPhos® rare earth coagulant
Pilot tests of these innovative technologies are eligible for grant funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) through its Municipal Green Fund.
Ammonia discharge limits are tightening up for Canadian mines. Be ready with a BioCord system
By June 1, 2021 metal and diamond mines in Canada will need to comply with a new lower discharge limit for unionized ammonia.
Top 5 things to consider for a lagoon upgrade
We’ve compiled a list of important considerations to help you plan a lagoon upgrade that can provide the performance and capacity your community needs at affordable capital and operating costs.
Learn how BioCord and baffle curtains are enhancing performance at Limoges WWTF
Baffle curtains now surround two cells of BioCord® Reactors that were installed as part of an upgrade for the Limoges WWTF in The Nation Municipality.
Is your treatment plant suffering from washout?
Every wastewater plant can experience washout—a condition where high hydraulic loading causes microorganisms to be flushed out of a treatment cell at a faster rate than they can be replenished.