If you want to work for Bishop Water, our CEO says you need some attitude

When it comes to building a successful clean-tech company, technical skills are typically thought to be the most desirable trait for new hires. However, according to Kevin Bossy, CEO of Bishop Water, while technical skills are important, it’s heart and desire that help find new innovations and really engage with customers.

Is your lagoon suffering from washout?

Every wastewater plant can experience washout—a condition where high hydraulic loading causes microorganisms to be flushed out of a treatment cell at a faster rate than they can be replenished.

What’s that smell? Diagnosing springtime lagoon odours.

non-aerated lagoons, can experience benthal feedback—a process where the turbulence of the warming water stirs up the sludge blanket and releases hydrogen sulfide gas along with nutrients that have accumulated in the settled sludge.

AWWA Fuller Award presented to Don Burgess

ARTICLE AWWA Fuller Award presented to Don Burgess, our rep in Western Canada. We are extremely delighted and proud to congratulate our colleague, Don Burgess of DWG Process Supply, on receiving the 2022 George Warren Fuller Award from the American Water Works Association Western Canada Section (AWWA WCS). The award is presented annually to a […]

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